What are the Requirements to (be) a Surrogate?

Making the decision to (be)come a surrogate is a monumental, life-changing, incredibly (be)autiful decision. Once you have made the choice to explore this option it is so common to have a million questions and want to know all the things! Let’s start with the baseline requirements:

Health Requirements

  • (Be)tween the ages of 21-42 years old.
  • Have had at least one healthy pregnancy and delivery of your own.
  • Have not had a past occurrence of serious pregnancy complications. Examples include, toxemia, pre-eclampsia, preterm labor, incompetent cervix, and/or pregnancy-induced hypertension. Your health and safety and the health and safety of the baby you carry is very important to us, so we cannot accept surrogates with a history of these complications. We are doing this for the (be)st interest of YOU and YOUR (be)autiful family.
  • You cannot have any health conditions that can be exacerbated by pregnancy.
  • Have a healthy body mass index (BMI) below 35.

Lifestyle Requirements

  • You cannot use tobacco nor have any exposure to second-hand tobacco use. If you live with a smoker or are currently a smoker (life is stressful, no judgment here) you must be tobacco and secondhand smoke free for a minimum of 6 months as this will be checked at medical screening.
  • For the safety of you and the potential baby, you must live in a surrogacy friendly state. I am disappointed to report that surrogacy is not legal in all 50 states, huge bummer- we know! If you reside in a state where surrogacy is risky or not legal, we cannot accept you into the program, and that is terrible news to have to share with you. Those non-surrogate friendly states are:  Louisiana, Michigan, and Nebraska. Also please note, if you are not a United States citizen, you must have a Green Card/Visa that is valid for the next three years, this protects you and that sweet baby.
  • You can have no criminal history. We do not accept surrogates who have been convicted of a felony or whose partner has been convicted of a felony. Again, we understand life happens but please understand that the Intended Parents have been on a LONG road before they meet you and we need to make them feel 100% comfortable about this amazing woman and her family that will bring their dreams of a family to life.

Financial Requirements

  • You must (be) financially stable. Surrogacy should not be intended to serve as your sole source of income. There also can be no history of bankruptcy in the last year.

All inquiries are considered on a case-by-case basis. This list is meant to serve as a basic guide so you can understand what some of the requirements are to (be)coming a super amazing surrogate. We invest a substantial amount of time and resources into our in-take and screening process and are interested in helping you match with the most suitable agency for your surrogacy journey – one that speaks your same love language is the goal. You have your back, always!

If you have additional questions about our surrogate requirements, please feel free to reach out and we can chat about all the questions you may have.



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